I did remove the covers when I checked the mainboard for corrosion or fossilized critters...it's clean - no nicotine or tar build up and no critters from an earlier time.
The case is is pretty good shape for a radio of this age...it's been used but not beat up. The pictures don't hide anything.
The 80m module seems to require a little care when seating into the slot. If when you turn the power on and you have weird numbers showing...wiggle the module in the slot. It will reseat itself and come on correctly. Since I only typically work 30m and 40m with this radio...it's no big issue for me but it certainly might be for someone else.
I mentioned in the ad on the KWARC that I had all the modules from 80m to 10m - I see that's incorrect. It appears I'm missing the 12m module. Oh well...they can be had from online sources.